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In an era where water quality is a growing concern, safeguarding your family’s health should be a top priority. Your tap water may contain hidden threats in the form of fluoride and pharmaceutical residues, posing health risks that you might not even be aware of. Whole house filtration systems are your powerful ally in combating these issues, offering benefits that extend far beyond just drinking water.

Understanding the Hidden Dangers

Fluoride, often added to municipal water supplies under the guise of “dental health”, can have adverse effects. Ingesting too much fluoride can lead to bone issues, and even cognitive impairment. Removing fluoride from your water can help you control your family’s fluoride intake.

Pharmaceuticals make their way into our water supply through the disposal of medications, among other ways and their presence is more common than you might think. Estrogen, and birth control, as well as Viagra and anti-depressants among the top offenders. These drugs are extremely difficult for water treatment facilities to remove, potentially leading to long-term exposure to various medications. Whole house filtration systems can significantly reduce the presence of pharmaceutical residues, keeping your water clean and safe.

Benefits of Whole House Filtration

  1. Comprehensive Protection: Whole house filtration ensures that every water source in your home is free from contaminants. From showering to washing hands and fruits and vegetables, you’ll have peace of mind that your entire household is protected.
  2. Healthier Showers: Chlorine, fluoride, and other impurities in water can be absorbed through the skin during a shower. With a whole house filtration system, you’ll experience fresher, healthier showers, reducing the risk of skin irritations and respiratory issues.
  3. Safer Handwashing: Clean hands are essential for good hygiene. Filtering out harmful substances from your water ensures that your handwashing is more effective and safe.
  4. Purer Fruits and Vegetables: Washing your fruits and vegetables in filtered water can remove residual pesticides and contaminants, providing a safer and healthier diet.
  5. Cost-Efficient: Whole house filtration can be more cost-effective in the long run compared to individual filters on each faucet. It also reduces the need for bottled water.

“You can HAVE a filter…or BE the filter!”

  • Whole house filtration
  • Water filtration systems
  • Fluoride removal
  • Pharmaceuticals in water
  • Clean water for showering
  • Benefits of whole house filtration
  • Water quality and health
  • Filtered water for fruits and vegetables
  • Safe handwashing water
  • Water contaminants and health

Filtering out fluoride and pharmaceuticals from your water is imperative.

Our whole house filtration system is an affordable solution that not only ensures clean, safe drinking water FOR YEARS but also extends its protective benefits to your showers, handwashing, and food preparation. Prioritizing the health of your family starts with making informed choices about your water supply.

Our system is the perfect combination with your ionizer, as it retains minerals needed for proper ionization while filtering out harmful things like pesticides and hebicides, PFA’s PFOA’s and other harmful chemicals.


Our Premium Whole House Water Filtration System effectively performs for about 700,000 gallons or 7–10 years of use for the average household and is loaded with approximately 60 pounds of high-grade water filtration media. It effectively filters sediment and particulate*, cysts*, copepods*, chlorine, chloramine/chloramines, vinyl chloride, ethylene glycol monobutyl ether, ethylhexyl acrylate, isobutylene, butyl acrylate, dioxin/dioxins, dioxane, VOCs, SOCs, THMs, PAHs, PFCs, PFOAs, C8, GenX, PFNAs, PFOS, PFAS, PFEAs, PFCAs, PFSAs, PFBS, HAA, HAA5, TCE, PCB, MTBE, pharmaceutical drug residues, glyphosate, atrazine, benzene, xylene, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, tastes, odors and hundreds of other potential contaminants and harmful chemicals from the water entering your business or home.

Call 360-931-1765 to order yours or reach out to: