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Why Open a Wellness Center?

I became a master herbalist in 1996 after a diagnosis of fourth stage cervical cancer.

90% of women die of that within the first year they said.

“You can’t heal this” they said.

So I saw a naturopath.

“You are what you eat” She said. I went raw vegan and went to great lengths to “Get good things into my cells and get the bad stuff out”

And I did heal myself.

In the decades to follow I would discover many things that I couldn’t help but tell people about including cleansing, nutrition, herbs and essential oils and ionized water.


Our wellness center is designed to help you reclaim your health and feel confident about the choices you can make that make an impact in your and your families lives.

Being vibrantly healthy is not as hard as you may think. I have been a health coach for well over two decades and it comes down to this:  You are the sum of the choices you regularly make.

With a few small changes, you really can look better, feel better and have more energy!

You are what you eat, right? There is so much more to health than that (and most of foods on the market today hardly can be classified AS food...) You are also what you drink. are what you surround yourself with. We wanted to create a community where health leads the way. Stop in today and discover a community of true health minded people.

Offerings &

Mentor with Mikki

I am fond of saying “Take your Power Back”

Why? Because when I discovered I had cancer  I realized no one was going to save me but me.

As a matter of fact, the treatment options I was given would not have allowed me to have any more children, and I was more than irritated at their words.

Whether or not you have ever had a Dr tell you that you were going to DIE, one thing is for sure… YOU get to decide that.

I am not afraid to die. I just don’t want it to be my fault.

What I have learned is:

85% of your health is determined by lifestyle/choices.

I have been on a MISSION to help others get & stay healthy ever since.

I’d like the opportunity to show you how to how to make better choices, so you can look better, feel better, and have more energy. In other words, “take your power back”.

Stop in today, or book a call with me here:

Our approach to health is different. We are 100% committed to giving you the tools you need to be healthy, vibrant and free.

Stem Cell Therapy

We discovered non invasive stem cell therapy and are so excited with the results! LifeWave’s health technology harnesses your body’s natural, restorative energy and enhances your ability to live well.

Discover the science behind our product innovations, how it works within your body, and the expansive health benefits that will change the way you age.


Non-transdermal patches fit simply into your daily lifestyle.

Your body emits heat in the form of infrared light. When applied to the recommended placement on the body, the patch traps this infrared light and reflects wavelengths back into the tissue.

This signals the body to produce health benefits unique to each LifeWave patch. Start living healthier without the use of harmful drugs or chemicals.

For more information, visit our LifeWave website

Essential oils/Aroma Therapy

I became an herbalist when I had cancer back in 1996. I fell in love with the powerful medicine that plants contain. I had heard about essential oils, but knew enough about the industry regulations (or lack thereof) to be leery of them.

But I kept hearing “Miracle Stories” SO one day I said, “OK God, I need an essential oil person” and the NEXT DAY a dōTerra lady stopped into my shop to show me her oils. I looked into the company (since I felt I already knew a lot about herbs) and fell in love with the sustainability of dōTerra, the Helping Hands Project, amd really the whole company.

I quickly learned that I didn’t know everything about the oils – FAR from it, which is why I brought in an expert to teach about them.

We have regular classes and workshops and DIY events to help you understand and explore the many many uses of these therapeutic grade oils. Once you fall in love – you can never go back. Attend one of our classes. I’m sure you’ll agree. dōTerra essential oils are fantastic!



What is an Essential oil?

Essential oils DIY

Product Blog

Brain Tap

Using Binary beats, Red & Blue Light Therapy, and Frequency we are able to recalibrate thought patterns and create a sense of relaxation and well being. All will a simple headset and a 15 to 30 minute session. 

Try it free! The experience is incredibly relaxing – which is why we call it “Taking a time out”

!st session FREE

Brain Tap session                                        $22

Brain Tap with Bio Mat (30 minutes)      $44


Whole Body Vibe

11 Per session or $44 month unlimited

Understanding the Science


Research indicates Whole Body Vibe (WBV)  may be a safe, low-demand, and effective therapy for numerous conditions. Beneficial effects have been reported relating to the following conditions:


*musculoskeletal strength & power,

*postural control,

*performance improvement

*autonomic function

*improved flexibility


+Reduced fall risk

*pain relief


*lymphatic function


Using a WBV unit 10-20 minutes daily has been shown to be an effective tool in metabolic dysfunction regulation, reduce weight in obese women & children, improve bone density, and elevate mood.

Grow an Indoor Garden!

Grow Your Own Food with Tower Garden Good health starts with good habits, like eating wholesome foods. Tower Garden systems let you easily grow your own fresh, nutrient-rich food without soil.

The new Tower Garden HOME is ideal for indoor gardening, while the Tower Garden FLEX is slightly larger and can be used indoors or outdoors.
Grow a healthier you year-round.

Infrared Sauna

Infrared saunas produce the same type of heat as the sun, which is essential for optimal health in all living things. This radiant heat can increase thermal energy in joints, muscles, and tissues, offering potential health benefits when used as part of a healthy lifestyle. Infrared heat can be felt from sources such as fire, heated sand, and the sun without harmful ultraviolet waves.

Far infrared saunas offer eight potential health benefits. They may even aid in weight loss and metabolism, as regular use of a sauna can increase cardiovascular function and burn calories. Using an infrared sauna can promote temporary relief of arthritic pain and muscle tension. The warming and cooling effects of using an infrared sauna before bed can lead to better sleep quality.

Sweating induced by sauna use can help rid the body of stored chemicals and heavy metals. The temporary reduction of cellulite is another benefit of the increased thermal energy in tissue. Infrared heat can reduce stress and fatigue, offering a relaxing and rejuvenating experience. The sweating produced by infrared can help purify the skin and reduce the risk of certain chronic skin conditions.

Incorporating the use of a far infrared sauna into a healthy lifestyle can offer numerous potential health benefits.

Book a session

or buy yours here.

Join Our Team

We know that your health and your wealth are intricately interwoven. That’s why we wanted to created a space where opportunity was abundant! We like to call it “CoAwesomating” That’s where we put our heads together, find out what your strengths are and build around that. Much of what we do has opportunity built right in. Call or come in today to find out how we can best work together.