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waiting until you’re sick to start taking care of your health is like waiting till you’re hungry to plant a garden.

Health is an accumulation of choices. SMall choices, over time add up to big changes. You know how they say “over the hill?” Ever wonder why?

There is this little thing called a “tipping point”.

You see cells are designed to reproduce. Actually, they are designed to eat and poop and reproduce, and if they can’t absorb nutrients, and eliminate waste, they become sick, acidic dehydrated and malnourished. Guess what they reproduce? SIck acidic, malnourished dehydrated cells. You see they can only reproduce what they are. So if you are not giving your cells what they need, then over time the accumulation of dis-eased cells gets to the point where you have a symptom. One sick cell becoming two isn’t a big deal, but one million becoming two million, becoming for, now eight … well it doesn’t take long before you have more sick cells then healthy cells… and now the problems start.

That’s why we say don’t wait till you’re sick to start worrying about your health. Just because you don’t have any symptoms doesn’t mean you’re healthy.

Yes, you can still turn things around, but it’s so much easier to MAINTAIN good health than it is to REGAIN your health.

Health is wealth. You don’t really understand the gravity of that statement until you are faced with a major diagnosis.

I was 28 when I had my first cancer diagnosis. I had a six week old baby. I had to learn how to heal my body while simultaneously care for a newborn. Take it from someone who fought like a warrior for the right to stay alive. Making the healthy choice may not always be the easy choice, but it’s worth it.

And you don’t really know how lousy you feel until you start to feel good again.




What are the benefits of the infrared bio-mat?

Infrared therapy is a type of therapy that uses infrared radiation to heat the body and penetrate deep into the tissues. This therapy has been shown to have a number of potential health benefits, including pain relief, improved circulation, and reduced inflammation.

The Amethyst Infrared Biomat is a type of infrared therapy device that uses amethyst crystals to enhance the infrared radiation. The biomat consists of multiple layers, including a layer of amethyst crystals, a layer of infrared heat, and a layer of negative ions. When these layers are combined, they create a powerful healing effect that can be felt throughout the body.

When using an Amethyst Infrared Biomat, the infrared radiation penetrates deep into the body, stimulating the cells and tissues. This can help to increase circulation and oxygenation, reduce inflammation, and provide pain relief. The amethyst crystals also help to enhance the healing properties of the infrared radiation, providing an even more powerful therapeutic effect.

But we didn’t stop there. We added a layer sound therapy. Using an Amethyst Infrared Biomat in conjunction with sound therapy can provide even greater benefits. Sound therapy is a type of therapy that uses sound waves to stimulate the body and promote healing. Our sound therapy device has four settings: energizing, relaxation, sleep, and stress relief. When combined with infrared therapy, sound therapy can help to further stimulate the cells and tissues, promoting greater healing and relaxation.

The Amethyst Infrared Biomat is a powerful therapeutic tool that can provide numerous health benefits. By combining the benefits of infrared therapy with the healing properties of amethyst crystals and negative ions, the biomat provides a powerful healing effect that can be felt throughout the body. When used in conjunction with sound therapy, the biomat can provide even greater benefits, promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and promoting deep healing and rejuvenation.

We added in  some light therapy and aromatherapy to complete the experience.

For just $45 you can escape the world and enjoy a therapeutic session that will leave you feeling like you’re walking on cloud 9.

Book a session HERE

What is reflexology?

Foot reflexology is a type of alternative therapy that involves applying pressure to specific points on the feet to stimulate various parts of the body. The theory behind foot reflexology is that there are certain reflex points on the feet that correspond to different organs and systems in the body.

During a foot reflexology session, a practitioner will use their fingers, thumbs, and other tools to apply pressure to these points. The pressure can range from light to firm depending on the individual’s preferences. The goal is to help restore balance to the body and promote healing.

There are many potential benefits to foot reflexology, including:

  1. Relaxation and stress reduction: Foot reflexology can help to promote relaxation and reduce stress levels, which can be beneficial for overall health and well-being.
  2. Improved circulation: By stimulating the reflex points on the feet, foot reflexology can help to improve blood flow and oxygenation throughout the body.
  3. Pain relief: Some people find that foot reflexology can be helpful for relieving pain in various parts of the body, such as the head, neck, and back.
  4. Improved sleep: Foot reflexology may help to promote better sleep quality, which can have a positive impact on overall health.
  5. Enhanced immune function: There is some evidence to suggest that foot reflexology can help to boost immune function, which may be beneficial for those with weakened immune systems.

It’s important to note that while there are many potential benefits to foot reflexology, it’s not a substitute for medical treatment. If you have a health condition or concern, it’s important to seek advice from a qualified healthcare professional.

Reflexology session: $59

Book a session here

What is the Symphony Of Cells Aromatherapy?

We use ONLY Therapeutic Grade dōTerra essential oils.

Symphony of Cells is a specific type of aromatherapy technique developed by Boyd Truman, a Certified Natural Health Professional. The Symphony of Cells protocol uses a series of specific essential oil blends that are applied to the body in a specific order and technique to support the different body systems.

The Symphony of Cells technique uses a targeted approach, with each oil blend designed to address a specific body system or area of concern. For example, there are blends for the respiratory system, immune system, digestive system, and more. The oils are applied along the spine, neck, and feet using a specific sequence of movements and pressure.

The Symphony of Cells technique is often used in conjunction with doTERRA essential oils, which are high-quality, pure, and potent oils that are extracted from plants. These oils are believed to have a wide range of therapeutic benefits, including reducing inflammation, supporting the immune system, promoting relaxation, and improving mood.

Our Symphony of Cells sessions are  performed by a trained practitioner and can last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. The goal of a Symphony of Cells session is to help promote balance and harmony within the body, and to support overall health and well-being. It’s important to note that while essential oils can be beneficial, they are not a substitute for medical treatment and should be used as part of a holistic approach to health and wellness.


Book a symphony of Cells Session here

What is a Women's circle?

Each month, Mikki hosts a

Womens Circle.

What is it? 

It’s where healing happens. Where women’s lives transform. Through our connection and commitment to ourselves and each other, little by little, women can start to see ourselves in wholeness. So many of us are carrying things we don’t need to. Women with broken relationships, who ache to start businesses, who need community to support them while they heal their bodies, or find new love. A women’s circle is a place to finally put down the masks they have been hiding behind. It is a place of pure grace and beauty. And it is an honor and gift for me to witness.

I created this space so that women can  see how amazing and valuable they are, and how their lives and gifts matter. In short, I am hoping to change the way women show up for themselves… and each other.

Once a month, the third Thursday of each month, we show up for each other. FOr ourselves.

We show up so we can see each other – be there for each other and know that we are all the same, we are all in this together, and that self-abandonment is an epidemic for all of us – so we must build each other up. We must.

The world is at a turning point. We’re being shown a choice between the old way of living and being, and a new way that is asking to be born. I believe that we are living in a time of great transformation, healing, and possibility.

Will you show up for yourself?

When we heal ourselves, we heal generations.

Do you offer dōTerra essential oil classes?

We offer essential oils classes for WOmen every other Wednesday. Please check our Facebook events page for details

What kind of coaching do you offer?

I offer life coaching, and healthy & Business coaching. WHether you are struggling with ideas on how to build your business or are having emotional blocks, Mikki is a certified Theta healing practitioner and a health pioneer for nearly 3 decades.

Book a free 15 minute consultation to see if we are a good fit for each other

Can you teach me about my ionizer?

Mikki has been in the ionizer business for 15 years and has extensive knowledge on the subject. If you own a machine and need a refresher course, book a session with Mikki here

Can I host a talk or a workshop at your wellness center?

We offer hourly rentals for our space for your event or workshop. Please email Mikki at for details

Do you do spa parties?

We have opportunities for you to host a spa party after business hours. Please book a 15 minute consultation with Mikki to discuss

Do you service Kangen Water Systems?

We offer deep cleanings on Kangen Water Systems, and offer a 24 hour turnaround time.

My Kangen Water system is not working, can you repair it?

We do not repair broken machines. Please go to and download the proper forms to have your system factory repaired.

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Contact us at 360-931-1765 or to learn more about how we help you take your power back, through education and empowerment.  Visit us at 6700 NE 162nd Ave, Suite 420, Vancouver, WA 98682 to see our selection of health products and technologies, and speak with our knowledgeable staff.