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You've tried everything.....

There is an old saying, “You spend the first half of your life working for your wealth and the second half of your life spending it to regain your health”

It’s easy to take your health for granted… until you no longer have it. But all the money in the world cannot buy back good health. That’s why we stress prevention. But even if you are struggling with dis-ease, your body is DESIGNED to heal itself, so let’s put our heads together and discover the real issues.

It’s no surprise that many people spend more time and money managing symptoms than they do creating health, but since 85% of health is lifestyle related, then it stands to reason that with a few lifestyle changes, we can drastically increase our chances of longevity and good health…. or even reverse some of the damage caused by years of less than perfect choices.

Does that mean your health issues are YOUR fault?

Yes, and no. You see, you don’t know what you don’t know. And it seems that the odds are stacked against us from all sides. It’s not your FAULT, but it IS your responsibility. (Not *gasp* your doctors.)

The food we eat is predominantly processed, and what produce we do eat (and let’s admit, most of us don’t eat enough) is sprayed with chemicals not fit to touch with your bare hands let alone breathe, or EAT! What’s worse, is the information about what’s healthy and what’s unhealthy seems to change every few years, and somehow fast food and packaged “frankenfood” is less expensive than healthier alternatives.

It’s like the game is rigged.

But when you know better you can do better. 

That’s why we believe education is key. We have a team of educated health pioneers that are very interested in helping you feel better, look better, and have more energy. Why? Because when you know where the good stuff is, you tell your friends. And we all benefit from helping each other. We not only say that, we live it. It won’t take you long to realize……

It’s different here.

It's a vibe

You’ll feel it the minute you walk in. A friendly inviting atmosphere, high vibe happy people with lots of great information and ideas to make the world a little better.

Health doesn't have to be complicated

As a matter of fact, the body responds incredibly fast when you remove the things that are taking your energy, and add in things that give you energy.

I’m not talking FAKE energy, like monster drinks a caffeine… I’m talking about FUEL. Giving your “God Pod” (what I affectionately call your body) the tools it needs to thrive, and feel vibrant and alive. It can make ALL the difference… But again, you don’t know what you don’t know.

We have painstakingly found the simplest most cost effective ways to get back into balance. Because life is too short to feel lousy.